Os X Installation

To install Gccg on Mac Os X you'll have to build it from source code so, first of all, you'll need to install the development tools for your operating system i.e. Xcode.

Now you can either go to the Source Installation guide, or keep reading this page to install Gccg the fast way. If you are not a source guru just keep reading.

Since you'll have to install all the libraries needed to build Gccg (i.e. jpeg, libpng, SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer, SDL_net and SDL_ttf) you should install Fink & Fink Commander GUI and use it to install all the libraries listed above.

In Fink Commander GUI they are listed as follows as of (6/25/2009)

  • Once all the requirements to compile gccg have been satisfied open a terminal window and type the following commands:
  • Now you can either install the binary version with this command
  • Otherwise you can compile using the following lines
  • If everything went right you can finally use gccg_package to install the game modules

  • View the list available modules
  • Install game modules you wish to play where <game> may be lotr, metw, mtg or pokemon

  •  Running the Game

    Each game module has a startup script with the same name as the module, with capitalized first letter. You can launch the game using it.

    i.e. for metw module

     Adding Card Images

    Also card images can be installed using the gccg_package.

    i.e. to install metw card images run

     Keeping Gccg Up to Date

    To update all installed packages, do: